5 DIY Backyard Basketball Court Mistakes To Avoid

2 years ago

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Installing a backyard basketball court is a significant investment. While most people prefer hiring local contractors to install their courts, if you want to undertake DIY backyard basketball court construction, these are the top five mistakes to avoid: 

1. Not Researching the Type of Court You Need

Before you even break ground, it’s best to have a clear picture of the type of backyard basketball court you need. It will help you determine whether you need a traditional, concrete, or textured court. Your budget and game preferences should also help you decide the type of court you need. 

2. Relying on DIY Video Instructors

A quick Internet search will reveal dozens of DIY backyard basketball construction videos. Indeed, these videos provide an idea of what DIY court construction entails. Nevertheless, avoid relying on them entirely because they are sometimes misleading. 

The videos often focus on only one aspect of basketball court installation, leaving out other equally essential aspects. Furthermore, the videos may not cover issues that professional installers know how to handle, including permits and site measurements. 

3. Overlooking the Court Design

A common mistake DIYers make during court construction is overlooking the design. Before installing your court, review the design to ensure it meets your needs and expectations. The design also acts as a blueprint the entire project will rely on, preventing issues from surfacing later.

Going through your options will help you visualize what the court will look like in the end. The last thing you want is to finish constructing the court and for it to look different from what you’d envisioned.

4. Not Thinking About the Court’s Technicalities

Another common mistake people make during DIY backyard basketball construction is overlooking the technicalities of the court they’re building. These include: ball response, traction, UV protection and shock absorption. Such technicalities impact gameplay and can also help reduce injury when playing. If you’re unsure about the accessories you need to optimize your game experience, you’re better off leaving the project to the experts at Sport Court Las Vegas. 

5. Working Without Experts' Opinion/Input

DIY court construction is far from an ideal situation. As tempting as it might be to take this route and save money, you’re more likely to commit costly mistakes. On the other hand, an experienced basketball court installer can handle all the technical aspects of the project, identify potential issues and provide solutions. They also have access to all the materials needed to deliver the project as expected. 

Avoid DIY Backyard Basketball Court Mistakes With Expert Court Construction

At Sport Court Las Vegas, we specialize in designing, building, and maintaining indoor and outdoor courts. We employ a team of experienced court installers who deliver the highest quality projects. Don’t waste your money on DIY backyard basketball court construction, you can count on our team to get the job done professionally! If you’re planning a backyard court, contact us at 702-883-8386 for a free estimate.