6 Ways to Support Your Young Athlete - Backyard Court & More

11 months ago

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Whether played on a backyard court or for an organized team, sports are more than just entertainment for your up-and-coming young athlete. They can teach teamwork and camaraderie, sportsmanship, respect, responsibility, and work ethic, all while encouraging good health and nutrition. So as a parent, it makes sense to want to support your children as they explore different sports and maybe even discover a new passion. 

A father playing basketball with his daughter. This Training help kids grow and succeed with sports.

Here are six ways that you can help your aspiring athlete grow and succeed:

1. Maintain High Academic Standards

Sports are great for exercise and socialization, but they should not come at the cost of a good education. Make it clear that schoolwork takes precedence over practicing for the game or playing a few rounds on the backyard court. That way, your children have options if they lose interest in sports or they suffer an injury that prevents them from playing.

2. Encourage a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is always important for children, but even more so for athletes. Make sure they have plenty of calories and protein to make up for the extra work their bodies are doing as they train and play. Focus on providing a well-rounded diet with plenty of vegetables and fruit, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, lean protein, healthy fats, and reduced-fat dairy.

3. Ensure a Proper Amount of Rest

Sleep is essential for both mental acuity and physical performance. Between practice, games, homework, and other activities, the schedules of young athletes can be quite busy, especially if they play more than one sport. Monitor your children’s activities and make sure they are getting the proper amount of sleep and downtime for their age.

4. Acquire the Proper Equipment & Training

Poor training and equipment can lead to injuries and make it harder to excel at the game. Communicate with your children and their coaches to determine what training and equipment they will need to succeed, from uniforms and safety equipment to a backyard court for extra practice.

5. Instill a Sense of Sportsmanship

Good sportsmanship is essential for any game - amateur or professional. Make it clear that winning is not always an option, and when a loss does happen, it is important to take it with dignity and humility. Likewise, when a win occurs, ensure that your children show respect to the opposing players.

6. Set a Good Example

As a parent, it is important to model the good behavior you expect to see in your children, from working hard and eating properly to getting the correct amount of rest. It also means forming a good relationship with their coaches, showing proper encouragement at games, and treating the opposing team, coaches, referees, and staff with respect.

Custom Sports Courts in Las Vegas, Nevada

Make it easier for your young athletes to practice at home and perfect their game with a custom backyard court from our team at Sport Court Las Vegas. We can custom design and build the ideal court for your family’s needs, from half-courts or full-size basketball courts to tennis courts, pickleball courts, and more. 

We feature high-performance playing surfaces that offer less joint stress and fewer injuries while providing superior grip and traction. No matter the game, trust our experts for a high-quality, custom backyard court that will help your young athlete thrive.

Are you considering a custom backyard court for your Las Vegas home? Call Sport Court Las Vegas today at 702-883-8386 or contact us online to request a quote today!